Ask your public library for Let No One Enter: A Novel about Fort Bragg in the 1930s

New fiction in public library collections includes Let No One Enter: A Novel about Fort Bragg in the 1930s.

Is Let No One Enter in your local public library’s collection?

If not, ask your library to purchase it—as, e.g., Sonoma County Library, Mendocino County Library, City of Monterey Public Library, and others have done.

This book was published September 26, 2018 (trade paperback, ISBN 9781732464704). On October 25, an e-book edition was released as well (ISBN 9780463104002).

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Librarians’ readers advisory tasks are made easier because they can quickly grab the following on this site: book cover image, author photo, and a 30-word book annotation for Let No One Enter: A Novel about Fort Bragg in the 1930s, i.e.:

Literary fiction encompassing immigrant assimilation, small-town relationships, teaching, high school culture, bullying, male-female relationships in early twentieth-century America, adult singles, boarding house life, Northern California during Great Depression, more.

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Preview / read an excerpt from this book — Let No One Enter: A Novel about Fort Bragg in the 1930s

Below, read excerpts from the paperback edition of Let No One Enter: A Novel about Fort Bragg in the 1930s by Glenn A. Reed.

To preview the e-book, with no account necessary, visit Barnes & NobleKoboor Scribd

Who will like this book? Learn more here.

Click here for purchase information for individuals, libraries, and retailers, along with other details.

ISBN 978-1-7324647-0-4 (paper)

ISBN 978-0-4631040-0-2  (e-book)

One summer in the 1970s, Glenn A. Reed traveled to a primitive cabin, no electricity, in the Eastern Sierra Nevada. There, seated at his manual Underwood typewriter and accompanied only by his loyal Dalmatian, he returned in memory to Fort Bragg, California, where he taught high school from 1935 to 1937. The result, this posthumous novel, provides a look at the life of a schoolteacher in what was then an isolated Northern California town in the depths of the Great Depression.

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The above are excerpts from Let No One Enter: A Novel about Fort Bragg in the 1930s by Glenn A. Reed. Click here for purchase information and other details about this book.

ISBN 978-1-7324647-0-4 (paper)

ISBN 978-0-4631040-0-2  (e-book)

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